
I hope you enjoy this excerpt from Fangs of the Black Tiger. It’s a big highlight of the book for me and incredibly fun to write.


Duan Cai swung the meteor hammer above her head, the spinning weapon catching the first grey light of dawn. Storm clouds thickened overhead, and snow began drifting down. Li Ming leaped at the woman, fury driving his speed like the flames consuming the village. He imagined that there would be blood spilled before he found the girl, and he was eager to spill it if it meant he’d get closer.  The flying meteor hammer cut his charge short. He turned his body out of the way and was forced to duck again as it came arcing from behind him. 

Duan Cai’s eyes narrowed and she sped up her attacks, spinning the weapon in huge arcs to keep him at range. Li Ming parried and dodged, careful to keep the metal balls away, but finding himself unable to close the distance between them. She kicked the chain suddenly in the middle of an arc and the ball came flying straight for his throat. 

Caught by surprise, he turned, and the chain wrapped around his sword. He felt a tug, and he nearly lost his grip on Sorrow. Fighting to hold on, he was not prepared for the counterattack as the metal ball on the other end of the rope flew into his chest. He grunted in pain, twisted his weapon free, and rolled on the ground. He kept rolling as the weapon slammed heavily into the ground, two, three times. Each time he felt the tremors in the ground as the fist-sized spheres struck the earth. 

Over and over she spun the meteor hammer, sending the heavy metal balls flying towards him. He circulated his qi, making his movements light and he leapt high, kicking off a stack of crates to launch himself higher than the arc of the ball. He slashed down at the chain holding the weapon together with an Echo of the Blue Mountain strike, putting the force of his anger into the attack. The chain split with a shower of sparks, and a metal ball flew towards the woman’s head. Duan Cai turned just in time to avoid the flying shrapnel, surprised that her own weapon would betray her. 

She fell back, testing the weight of her weapon. Without the other ball to keep the balance, she changed her stance. 

“You aren’t some government toady—Not like that buffoon magistrate. Who are you?” Duan Cai demanded. She circled Li Ming with deliberate steps. He watched her carefully, anticipating the sudden strike of the meteor hammer. 

“I am Li Ming of Blue Mountain,” Li Ming answered, coldly. 

“‘The Last Swordsman of Blue Mountain’ I’ve heard of you. And why are you working with this fool of a magistrate?” 

“Where is Shu Yan?” Li Ming asked, ignoring her reply.

“Shu Yan . . . ? Ah, the bounty for Tu’men,” a realization dawned on her face accompanied by a snarl. “You destroyed my operation for that brat?”

“I had nothing to do with burning your camp. I’m only here for the girl.” 

“You lie!” Duan Cai screeched, attacking. She was unable to keep Li Ming at range with her broken weapon, so she pressed forward, switching to a more aggressive pattern. He ducked, dodged, and leaped as the ball came flying for his head, his chest, and his knees. He slashed, attempting to engage the chain again, but she anticipated his move and kicked the chain to change its motion. The ball wrapped around his neck choking him. She tugged hard. It was all he could do to slip his free hand under his chin to stop the chain from choking him completely. 

“This is the skill of the legendary swordsman of Blue Mountain?” She taunted. 

He gasped, struggling for air. If he didn’t do something soon, he’d suffocate. 

He was bound, though not helpless. If there was one thing he knew how to do, it was win a fight. 

He dropped Sorrow. She smiled, and in her expression he saw her confidence in her victory. She tugged hard, trying to force him to the ground, pulling him closer to him. 

He span, turning towards her and shortening the chain. Even as the chain tightened, he reached into his robe for his dagger. He unsheathed the dagger as he span, burying it in her abdomen. 

She let out a gasp of pain and tried to pull harder, to strangle him, but he twisted the dagger, and her strength began to fade. He pulled the dagger out of her abdomen and plunged it into her again. Her grip loosened and she fell to the ground. He coughed, fell backwards rubbing his throat as he struggled to catch his breath. 

“Where is the girl?” he croaked.

But Duan Cai did not answer.


Ok, that’s it!

I hope you liked it.

Remember, Fangs of the Black Tiger is available on Amazon for preorder and is coming out on August 21, 2021. Go get it (please)!


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